Imagine bringing home a freshly arranged bouquet from your local florist. Placing the vase in your space, seems to immediately brighten up the room and make it more inviting and colorful than before. While most cut flowers last around a week, five simple steps can help extend their lifespan and keep them looking fresh longer.
Flowers get thirsty! Make sure to monitor water levels in the vase and replenish water as needed. Thicker stems need more water.
For healthy flowers, cut flower stems with a clean knife or floral shears every other day at a 45 degree angle.
In order to maximize the longevity of flowers, keep them away from direct sunlight and in a cool place. Steer away from placing your flowers near heat sources in the winter time.
Bananas and flowers don’t mix well. Do NOT place flowers near ripening fruit, as they release a gas that shortens the lifespan of flowers.
Keep an eye on each bloom. Remove flowers as their blooms fade to ensure the remaining flowers stay fresh. Spent blooms will impact the water quality.
By following these simple steps, you can ensure your bouquet stays vibrant and fresh for as long as possible. With just a little care, you’ll enjoy the beauty of your flowers well beyond the usual lifespan.